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Jul 2023


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria have become a focal point for companies, especially as COVID-19 highlights the importance of overlooked social factors. Fortunately, there are steps organizations can take to enhance ESG and sustainability performance while demonstrating how they put their values to work.



Jul 2023

The Apparel Industry: Tailored for a New Era

三驾马车铸就网文百亿市场 QQ浏览器成为泛娱乐生态重要一环:2021-5-10 · 在这样的文化基础和时伋背景下,中国网络文学界呈现出写手多、产量大、质量高的特点,还不乏90、95后的青春激情。2021年开始网络创作的唐家三 ...

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Jul 2023

Home Is Where The Health Is

What mid- to long-term investment opportunities are expected to emerge in the home healthcare market following COVID-19?

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Jul 2023


An empirical analysis of 128 M&A transactions provides food for thought about whether the economic disruption of COVID-19 can trigger a material adverse change (“MAC”) in an agreement.

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Jul 2023


The global businesses landscape is undergoing a massive tectonic shift in how the public views, and businesses address, data collection and privacy as a result of efforts to address COVID-19. Those who do not monitor and plan to get ahead of these shifts run the risk of a major reputational hit.

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Jul 2023

Your Network Goes Dark. What Should You Do?

Kyung Kim, Head of Cybersecurity for FTI Consulting’s APAC region, looks at the three steps you can take today to reduce the chances of the unthinkable: a paralyzed network and an IT team that can’t be reached.

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Jul 2023


New research coming out of New York may help pave the way for policymakers looking for fact-based guidance on how to re-open the U.S. economy.

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Jul 2023

Snapshot of the Pandemic: Is the Weather Affecting Your Social Distancing?

开创协同安全网络 青松云安全HADES引领网络安全新生态 ...:2021-7-17 · 青松云安全于2021年成立,同年入选微软加速器·北京5期,获得了来自加速器的技术、PR和融资等多方位的孵化帮助,伍及微软Azure云服务的鼎力支持。 2021年,青松获得由红杉、真格、将门领投的A轮投资,2021年获得由英华资本领投A+轮投资。

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Jun 2023

The Challenges (And Surprising Benefits) of Conducting Remote Investigations

The first in a series of articles on conducting forensic investigations remotely discusses why they are effective and may become the new normal.

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Jun 2023


What are the legal and financial consequences when a company does not fulfill its obligations during the current crisis?

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Staying in Control: The Red Flag to Watch Out for Before Accepting Deal Risk

Jun 2023

Staying in Control: The Red Flag to Watch Out for Before Accepting Deal Risk

Whether accepting representations and warranties risk as a buyer or insurer, pay attention to the seller’s control environment.

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4 Simple Steps to Determine Cybersecurity Gaps in the Work-From-Home Era

Jun 2023


Millions of workers around the world have shifted from offices to working from home since the COVID-19 outbreak. Here, Joshua Burch, FTI’s Head of Cybersecurity in EMEA, offers timely advice for businesses to help mitigate the increased risk of a cyber breach that comes with that shift.

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The Great Retail Gulf Offers Unique Opportunities



In an ongoing series, the FTI Journal looks at opportunities for private equity in distressed M&A given the pandemic-affected economy. Here is a snapshot of the retail and consumer products industry.

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May 2023

Upending the Trend

In an ongoing series, the FTI Journal looks at opportunities for private equity in distressed M&A given the pandemic-affected economy. Here is a snapshot of the real estate industry.

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The Life-Saving Intersection of Healthcare and Cybersecurity



For all the challenges brought on by COVID-19, one bright spot has been the accelerated development of healthcare technology that is saving lives. A brighter future awaits.

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